Australian Representative Office

Development Cooperation


Australia has a long history of supporting Palestinians through humanitarian assistance and our development cooperation program. We continue this support under Australia’s International Development Policy.

This policy presents Australia’s long-term vision for how our development program will meet the critical needs of our partners, while also supporting Australia’s national interests and the interests we share with our region. Australia recognises that an effective development program is key to building regional resilience. 

In 2023-24 the planned bilateral allocation to the Occupied Palestinian Territories is $20 million while total official development assistance is estimated to be $32.2 million.

Australia maintains a longstanding scholarships program through the Australia Awards. This program contributes to the education of future leaders in areas of economic recovery and long-term resilience.



Development Scholarships - Occupied Palestinian Territories

Australia commenced a scholarship program to the Occupied Palestinian Territories in 2011 and offers around 12 Masters-level scholarships each year.

Award recipients are selected from all areas of Palestinian society, including Ministries in the Palestinian Authority, civil society, universities and the private sector. The scholarships focus on a range of options that seeks to develop Palestinian capacity in areas such as public sector management, including public financial management, and agriculture/water resource management.

In line with the Australian Government’s strategy “Development for All” applicants with disability are encouraged to apply.

Gender balance is a priority for the Government of Australia; female candidates are encouraged to apply.

The scholarships program opens for applications in February each year.

The closing date for applications for this year was 30 April 2024.